Blackout Tuesday

Y’all need to understand the beautiful gift of Blackout Tuesday. Let me paint a picture for you. Like most Americans, I went to work today in a slog. Because I’m amazing at self-care, I texted my boss all weekend to tell him that I wasn’t okay. But I went to work on Monday, pretending that I was. I opened Zoom meetings and smiled like everything was okay. When asked if I was okay, I admitted that I wasn’t.

Meanwhile, my phone is blowing up with messages and calls with people checking in on me. I didn’t have the bandwidth to explain to all of those people, how and why I was not okay. 

In the middle of this day, I learned about Blackout Tuesday. My colleagues at CAA emailed me that they’re closed tomorrow for “a company-wide dialogue on racial justice”. I worked at CAA from 2016-2017. I promise, this is the best possible decision this company could make. 

I work at JuVee Productions, Viola Davis & Julius Tennon’s production company. Every day is a company-wide dialogue on racial justice. This diverse group of people have been fighting for decades to produce aspirational stories to normalize the experiences of marginalized people. Blackout Tuesday is the day for companies like CAA to have that conversation...not us. 

Blackout Tuesday gives me permission to rest. I am broadcasting to the world that I am not going to your Zoom meetings, reading your emails, or seeing your beliefs on social media. I am not watching the news, listening to music or offering prayer through Spirit Uncensored on Instagram Live. I am turning off my phone. I plan to spend a quiet day in meditation, writing, and authentically processing my feelings. Therefore, my “quiet” day may include junk food, tears and fights with my wife. We’ll see what happens.

Starting Wednesday, please comment on how you spent Blackout Tuesday. Let’s create positive change together by spending this day as the change we wish to see in the world.




A Mother F***er of A Mother’s Day