
It’s easy to use the #LoveWins hashtag when legislation passes that makes us happy. On a day when so many people are filled with hurt, confusion, and fear of the unknown, it can be more challenging to believe that love always prevails.

Love doesn’t mean that people vote the way I want them to. Love means that we are all committed to working together to create a more equal, prosperous and joy-filled country. This morning, Donald Trump spoke of unity. FOX News spoke of unity. Each of us have the power to choose to let go of the events that lead up to this moment, and choose unity instead.

In This Thing Called You, Ernest Holmes wrote, “You cannot draw love into your consciousness through hate. You cannot draw peace from confusion. You cannot see beauty through ugliness, nor hear harmony while your ears are filled with discord.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that love always wins. When we choose faith, compassion, and understanding in the face of uncertainty, we serve as examples of how the strength of love operates. The election results may have demonstrated how deeply this country is divided, but love is always powerful enough to bring us together.

Ernest Holmes went on to say, “Your thoughts, operating through the Law of Life, can meet your need, convert fear into faith, loss into gain, failure into access. Believe that you are governed by Divine Intelligence, that you are directed by Divine Guidance.”

Election results do not make this any less true. If faith was an easy decision to make, we’d always choose it. As it is written in Matthew 17:20, “If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed…nothing will be impossible for you.” Your happiness, abundance, and experience of life is not defined by this election. The universe is always rigged in your favor.


What’s Love Got to Do With It?


Faith: The Ultimate Trump Card